Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mitchells Birthday!

Mitchell had a sleepover for his 9th birthday. I forgot to take pictures simply because it was so hectic! Gosh, there is a huge difference between girls parties and boys parties. Triple the noise the pop off jokes and the mess and you have a boys party! ;)
We managed to play a few games.. it was in the spirit of the Commonwealth Games so we had a number of races (running with a balloon between the legs, running with a straw held between the nose and lips NO HANDS) . We then watched a movie and ate enchiladas for dinner. They settled finally around 11pm and all 6 were up and ready to go around 5am! need.a.nap.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lulus party!

Lucy had her eighth birthday last thursday, and then her afternoon tea party yesterday for 8 of her little friends. It was tons of fun and Lucy said she wouldn't change a thing!

Monday, October 11, 2010


What a lovely day for a birthday! My day started with a early morning visit from my mum and dad! it was so lovely that they made it down to my house by 7.30am to wish me a happy day (laden with gifts as well)! My family surprised me with a ice-cream maker for my birthday.. so guess what is on the menu tonight ; )

Sunday, October 10, 2010


We have had a busy few weeks here. I managed to flood our house, so we are in the midst of picking new flooring for the kitchen, dining, laundry and bathroom. I am finding it to be quite daunting! So many choices out there! Hopefully by next week I can report that the decision has been made.

Our rabbit has finally had her babies. They are 8 days old today and I finally got around to taking some photos. They are the cutest things, and are just starting to open their eyes. Mum has been so good with them and so we have 4 very healthy babies.
On other news, springtime is definitely here. We enjoyed our first evening picnic last night at Battery Point park. Lucy loved it as she is allowed to take Missy (our puppy) to this park. Missy loved seeing all the other dogs as well. While there I spotted some of the magnolia trees have been decorated with doilies. I love finding random craft in public places! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, and that you find random prettiness in public spaces as well.